Learn about our history and philosophy.
Our Story
Established in March 2015, the Pastel Society of Western New York (PSWNY) has grown to encompass 72 members from across New York State and Vermont. Our members come from diverse regions such as Buffalo, Jamestown, Finger Lakes, Ithaca, Rochester, Union Springs, Catskills, and the Syracuse area.
As a member society of the International Association of Pastel Societies, we are proud to be part of a larger community of pastel artists. Throughout the year, we organize two juried exhibitions at various locations, providing a platform for our members to showcase their work.
Additionally, PSWNY hosts workshops conducted by nationally and internationally renowned artists. In the past, we have had the privilege of hosting talented individuals like Deborah Stewart, Aaron Schuerr, Marla Baguetta, Stan Sperlak, Jacob Aguiar, Robert Carsten, Tony Allain, and Lyn Asselta. These workshops are initially open exclusively to our members during the first month of registration before being made available to the public.
In response to the challenges posed by the pandemic, we pivoted to online exhibitions in 2021. Embracing technology, we continued to offer workshops virtually, with Lyn Asselta leading online sessions in 2022, and in 2024, we offered an online workshop with Desmond O'Hagen.
We remain dedicated to fostering a supportive and vibrant community of pastel artists, providing opportunities for growth, learning, and artistic expression.
The Board 2025–2026
Heather Nenadic – President
Colette Savage - Vice President
Lana Grauer – Secretary
Alexandra Newman – Treasurer
Bonnie Wallace – Workshop Coordinator
Nancy Mariani – Western New York Liaison
Stacy Mayou – Exhibition Chair
Social Media Chair – Tracy Schuhmacher
Karlene VanDeusen – Membership Director/Program Chair
Victoria Brzustowicz – Website/Social Media Chair
Newsletter – open
Robin McCondiche – Team Support
Contact Us
Reach out with this form if you wish to:
Provide workshops or demos
Request exhibit information
Share member news
Have questions or suggestions